Mentorship & Personal Development
For me, life mentored me. I learned a lot about business and developing as an individual simply by living. Only the challenges and obstacles that I faced weren’t so simple. In adulthood, I came to understand that having a mentor would have accelerated my success.
Guidance, understanding and resources are a pivotal part of development. Personal or Business. So, my Mentorship Programs are designed to provide what those do not receive in a concentrated way in their day to day lives.
To provide what I was not given but what I am now equipped and experienced enough to give.
The technical aspect of a Consultant
The motivation and inspiration of a Coach
The instruction of an
The insight of an
12-week one on one Intensive
For Established, new or soon to be business owners
- Skill Development
- Product/Service Development
- Personality Business Model
- Identify Lifestyle Goals
- Identify Education styles
For Employed individuals who are planning to venture into Full Time Entrepreneurship.
12 Month intensive Personal and Business Development and instructional mapping of career and lifestyle. Launch in one year from start of Mentorship-
E to E Accelerated 6 Months- For those who want faster results and can work at an accelerated pace to reach their goals and launch
6-12 Month Mentorship for young/women 18-26 One on One and Group Sessions
Cost: No Money Accepted. Bartering of a Service/Product of equal value OR Acts of Service (Volunteering Time or Donating to a Community Based Organization) for the duration of the mentorship​
What each program includes?
Months of support and guidance designed to assist you in building the business you want around the lifestyle that you desire.
Lifestyle & Professional/Business Plan
Monthly Instructional Courses with actionable items that you will be accountable for implementing in order to get to the next step of your journey.
Monthly calls with Q
Biweekly Group Coaching
Weekly Virtual Wealthness Check in- A mind, body & soul check in
To determine if any of these programs are a good fit for you, Book a Mentorship Evaluation Call with me
Quintessentially You
Intuitive Devlopment
Personal to Business
My abilities of financial discernment and strategic insight are embedded in the services that I provide and always have been.
Do you know what your gifts and abilities are?
Are you applying them to improve your connections with others?
Are you incorporating them in your business model and workflow?
Most are not. In fact, some are in the wrong line of business altogether.
My Intuitive Development program first explores who you are personally then how you can best serve your business ventures and interactions with others.
This service is limited to those who are authentically serious and READY to commit to this process. Meaning, being in a mental and financial space to start and complete the program.